The Christ of the Mercy Amends and , better known as Christ of Lantern is one of the icons devotional, historical and artistic city of Cordoba.
Sculpted by Juan Navarro León in 1794, was commissioned by Fray Diego de Cadiz José continuation of the Church of the Holy Angel .
is a sculpture carved in stone, smaller than the natural, the image is presented with 4 nails, crown of thorns and powers carved in metal.
Sculpted by Juan Navarro León in 1794, was commissioned by Fray Diego de Cadiz José continuation of the Church of the Holy Angel .

The Christ is nailed to a cross of square type with stepped corners and in turn located on a pedestal that gives height to the whole sculpture.
This work has been in full Capuchin Square, surrounded by a wrought iron fence of the 20's of XX century and is illuminated by 8 lanterns that give the popular name for the image, which are not originals, as the current date of 1984 being more sullen than primitive.
As curious comment that Christ has been a leader and numerous songs and ballads, the best known is The Christ of the Lanterns of Antonio Molina that gave rise also to a movie.