"When you dare to come face to face with the most negative parts of oneself and the spraying will start spraying of irlas removed along with the idea and the old and negative thoughts, then you start to get better. and can generate a different environment around you.
This does not mean it's like buying a combo command again and I thought tá, I like the silicone implants and other resources.
is a process. And a process that generates resistance. Is stronger than the old new. Because the old stock is rooted in social, customs, in the acceptance of others, is as embraced tick the acceptance that others have of us. But despite all this resistance, all the fear that change tends to generate, I assure you that when you decide to change, change. Times? There is no manual. Each has its own time, is designing its own way. "
- Clau What are you doing?
- write Vivi.
- And for what?
- I need to read to me and others I read to take another look. Because when I write dump my thoughts, my learning, my accomplishments, I pull out what I need to read also.
- And for what? What is your benefit? we want to achieve with that Clau?
- mmmmm good question .....
- acting ....
- ......
- and? What you do not know what to say now Clau? This really is good! ha!
- ....... No I have all the answers Vivi, writing is a way to clarify thoughts, when you do it publicly then you have other thoughts to and

- To be beautiful.
- Why?
- do I have to be ready in case I find true love.
- to BUE! Now you're Fiona! We want you to give the kiss of true love!
- and yes! what is!
- Nothing! That if love should be true. There may be a liar love is not love.
- Look, there is love and love. Not a single love is platonic love for one night, love the way, love of mystery, love at times, love convenient, and the other, that the best ... Love forever !!!!!!! !
- Vivi please! I do not think so. No love for at times it is not love! Clau
"Well you think that I did not!
- ok. Vivi today is not the best of my days. I'm not in a bad mood but today I choose not to speak of love, or the on-times or the ever. Today I do not think so. And I difrutar lot.
- Well another day in Gotham and no answers!
- jajajjajaja and that Vivi?
- do not know!
- jajajajajaja crazier every day you Vivi!
- Tonight I go out with a guy nuevooooo Clau!
- eh?? aaaaaa stash you had it!!