In 780, Abd ar-Rahman I decided to build Mosque by nostalgia he felt the Caliphate of Damascus, where his family was killed and wanted to express the triumph of race and thanks to the faith.
is built on top of what was the Visigothic church of San Vicente, occupies 23,400 meters square in area, making it the third largest mosque in the world. He has more than a thousand columns and superimposed arches, turning the interior into a forest of columns and arches.
sent suffered several extensions made by Rahman II, Alhaken II and Mansur in 987 where he acquired the dimensions current. It consists of 3 parts, El Patio de los Naranjos which is accessed through the Door of Forgiveness we find rows of orange trees, palms, fountains, horseshoe arches and minaret aperient which is baroque, as it only keeps the Arab style inside. Another
and ships are part of the mosque where we are with its famous double horseshoe arches bicolor, and now we have the last part of the mihrab is the most sacred mosque.
emphasize the mihrab of the mosque for its profuse decoration and its wealth of golden stone base, two columns of jasper and fluted dome based on small golden stone of Byzantine origin.
in the XVIth
already suffered its last modification, in the heart of the mosque was built a Renaissance cathedral by Hernan Ruiz.
of curiosity, have the mihrab is not facing towards Mecca as the rest of Muslim mosques, but oriented to the south, the river, and that Rahman came to the mainland by the River Guadalquivir.
Already reeling off successive deliveries go more thoroughly the Mosque of Cordoba.
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