Friday, September 12, 2008

How Do You Connect Jelly Bracelets


Rules: Copy the rules.
Write 14 things that make me feliz.Seleccionar 6 blogs to keep up the meme and tell them.

1. Wake up and see that I'm a day here.
2. My family.
3. My friends.
4. The face of my Lady of the Incarnation.
5. The face of my Lady of Sorrows.
6. Easter.
7. Tourism.
8. See the face, and especially the smile of my Joaquin, albeit not my nephew nephew.
9. Smile to see people I love.
10. The hug or kiss that I want and I want.
11. A good chat with my friends.
12. A cigarette after a meal lol.
13. Eating makes me immensely happy hahaha.
14. Listen to the sound of rain while the smell of damp earth.

only a few that I have and they are not lol:
- http://historiasdeunacaballa . /


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