In this post I show a sculpture in Seville, which is in the Capilla de San Andrés de la Catedral de Sevilla .
is the superb
Holy Christ of Clemency , a crucifix of the most beautiful and perfect Baroque English, this is the masterpiece, for many, the imager Juan Martinez Montanes, done in polychrome wood and a height of 1.90 cm, to say the polychromy is not the author, but is of great master painter Francisco Pacheco, who was a teacher and son of Velazquez.

is an image made in 1603 for a particular call Mateo Vázquez de Leca for that particular chapel was in the Monastery of Santa Maria de las Cuevas , La Cartuja, where he until 1836 from the Chapel of the Chalices the Cathedral of Seville and years later at the Chapel of St. Andrew, where he is currently.
As a curiosity for many years became known as Christ of the Chalices shower because they were in chapel, and also comment as a curiosity that once was a procession through the streets of Seville on one of the Holy Burial Magnos organized.
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