The other day, "walked" to house a fresh cheese of those who are beginning to desert of ... And it was almost full ... and I do not like throwing food ... On the other hand was a bag of lemons in Murcia had taken a few days ago ... many ... many ... and had to "give out." Also some Gingerbread Cookies that were already beginning to be "soft" after Christmas ... And Lemon Curd frozen leftovers from my birthday cake Mavi.
And searching online looking I found this recipe , which was perfectly suited to my ingredients and that was delicious ... The "topping" that covered the cake I replaced the Lemon Curd and instead of lemon juice put the 3. Otherwise all the same. My English is bad enough, so the translation: my air.
INGREDIENTS (for a cast of 25 cm.) :
For the base:
- 125 grs. digestive biscuit type (you can put any kind)
- 100 grs. Gingerbread (if you have not you can use any type)
- 2 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons
- ginger (optional)
- 125 grs. of softened butter
- 570 grs. Philadelphia type cheese (I used half and half cream cheese cream cheese)
- 180 grs.
- sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch 4 large eggs
- zest of two lemons 400 ml
- . of whipping cream (2 bricks)
- lemon juice (I got 3 for extra flavor of lemon)
Preheat oven to 180 ยบ. We
ingredients based on the Thermomix or any gadget to chop / grind. If we can not use a plastic bag "zip" and "crush" with a roller or similar.
Line the base of a pie pan with parchment paper for easier then unmold. Put into crust in pan (on paper) and flatten gently and patiently until it snugly. Bake for 10-12 minutes (I usually leave it until it begins to "smell" what's in the oven, about that time.) Remove and let cool.
While the base is in the oven we prepare the filling. For this we beat all ingredients until blended. If we must beat cheese over time, even beating the cheese first with any of the liquids and then mix the remaining ingredients. Pour filling over crust.
Place in the bottom of the oven a glass or earthenware container with hot water. This will make while baking the cake has enough moisture in the oven and the cake will dry out less, will come out juicy.
introduce our pie in the middle part of the oven. Bake for 30-40 minutes (until when pierced with a skewer comes out clean, but always keep a little moisture). If we see that the top browns too covered with foil, and would not burn.
When finished baking, turn oven off and leave the door ajar to cool gradually. When going for a while we get the oven and let cool slightly. Top with Lemon Curd and let rest in refrigerator.
All these cakes that have more than one layer, filling ... are better overnight, because the ingredients are better integrated and is more consistent and tasty.
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