Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !
Ingredients 4 boneless chicken drumsticks, skinned, cut into large chunks
170 grams of onion cut into wedges
½ teaspoon cumin
½ teaspoon coriander (coriander seeds)
1 teaspoon pepper pulp choricero
cayenne 1 clove garlic
60 grams of olive oil
2 scoops of Knorr chicken stock
70 grams of chopped dates
water 240 grs
200 g precooked couscous
100 grams of white wine
50 grams of toasted almonds
1 bunch chopped parsley (for garnish) Preparation
1. Enter the chicken and 100 grams of onion cut into wedges in a bowl and set aside.
2. Pour in the cup cumin, coriander, pimientochoricero pulp, cayenne, garlic, 30 grams of oil and a scoop of broth depollo. Schedule 20 sec, vel 7. Pour the contents of the glass on the reserved chicken, mix well and chill.
3. Without washing the glass put the onion 70 grams and 30 grams of oil and schedule 4 seconds remaining, vel 4.
4. Add the dates and schedule 5 min, 100 °, vel 1.
5. Add the water, another ladle of broth and couscous and schedule 4 min, varoma, vel 1. Remove the cup and reserve.
6. Without washing the glass pour the chicken with all ingredients and set lamarinada 15 min, 100 ° left turn, speed spoon.
7. Pour the wine around the jar and set 10 min., Varoma, speed spoon.
8. Serve the couscous in a source shaped crown and dump the contents of the glass in the center. Garnish with almonds and parsley. Nougat
Ingredients 250 gr
fondant chocolate chunks match
250 gr milk chocolate chunks match
80 gr lard
200 g whole peeled pistachios Preparation
1. Put the chocolate in the bowl and set 30 sec, vel progressive
5-10 2. Incorporate the butter and set 5 min, 37 °, vel 2.
3. Browse the pistachios and mix 15 seconds, vel 3
4. Cover with greaseproof paper 2 boxes or 2 rectangular wooden molds take extended mix well to make it evenly distributed and allow to cool. Salen
2 tablets. SUCKLING
Ingredients for 4:
1 / 2 half pig cut into quarters 2 scoops
knoor meat 2 tablespoons butter
rosemary 2 sprigs thyme 2 sprigs
2 bay leaves
2000g of water 1 / 2 cup of water or a glass
Enter each room of pork in a roasting bag with a scoop of meat knorr, a tablespoon of butter, a sprig rosemary, a sprig of thyme, and a sheet bay.
Close the bags and put them in the varoma, cover and set aside.
Pour water into the bowl, place the container varoma into position and set 60 minutes, temperature varoma speed 1.
careful not to burn turn it over and set 50 minutes, temperature varoma speed 1.
Preheat oven to 250 º.
Dump the contents of the bags in a baking dish along with half a glass of water (to prevent drying) and bake for 15 minutes per side until crust is crispy.
STOLL (German sweet bread)
almond paste: 100 gm
icing sugar 120 grams ground almonds
20 g egg white
100 grams of raw almonds
450 grams of bread flour
40 grams of fresh yeast bread
120 grams of milk 200 g butter
1 egg 1 pinch of salt
100 grams of almond paste (which we have done before)
250 g seedless raisins 50 g
chopped candied orange
50 g chopped candied fruit
rum grs 80 grs
melted butter icing sugar 50 g
1. Pour in the cup powdered sugar and the ground almonds, 10 sec schedule, vel 6.
2. Add the clear and set 14 sec, vel 6. Remove the cup and reserve ina airtight container or wrapped in plastic wrap.
3. Put the almonds in the bowl and set 5 sec, vel 6. Remove the cup and reserve.
4. Pour into the bowl the flour, yeast, milk, butter, egg, salt and 100 grams of almond paste and knead 3 minutes, vasocerrado, spike. Let dough rest in the glass for 30 min.
5. Add the reserved almonds, raisins, orange and frutaconfitada and rum. Schedule 2 min, closed cup, pin and insert the spatula thinkit the jar and move to losingredientes integrate well into the dough.
6. Dump the dough on surface lightly sprinkled conharina and flatten with hands to get a square of 30 x 30aprox leaving one of the thicker side, so that the bend has the characteristic shape of stollen. Fold the dough into three parts so that the thickest part is up.
7. Place the stollen on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and let stand for 30 minutes to rise.
8. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
9. Bake stollen for 40-45 min.
10. Brush the stollen still warm with half the butter and let cool.
11. When the stollen has cooled, pincélelo with remaining butter and sprinkle with a thick layer of icing sugar.
TOFFEE CANDY for 40 units
Ingredients 30 g butter 370 g
condensed milk (1 small can)
1 tablespoon of icing sugar for dusting 1 dash
flavourless oil (sunflower , almonds, corn)
Preparation 1. Melt the butter in the glass program 30 sec, 100 °, vel 3.
2. Add condensed milk and set 25 min, varoma, vel 3, without putting the beaker to facilitate evaporation.
3. Grease the spatula and a sheet silicone oil and glass viertarápidamente content. Shape rectangular and cool 15 min. Peel off foil and sprinkle on both silicone ladoscon icing sugar. With a knife cut into squares. Cool
sweets completely, arranged on the sheet of silicone without tocarseunos with others.
Ingredients for 4 servings: 500 g
fresh chopitos
2 cloves garlic 4 sprigs parsley
80 grams of olive oil Salt
½ chilli 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 package
mesclun salad Preparation:
1. Wash and dry the whole chopitos without removing the skins and guts and set aside.
2. Pour in the cup garlic and parsley and set 4 sec, vel 5. Using spatula, fold the remaining garlic and parsley from the top and inside the glass toward the blades.
3. Add the oil and set 5 min, varoma, vel 1.
4. Place the butterfly in the blades and add chopitos, salt and pepper. Program 20 min, varoma, turn left, vel cuchara.Cuando are 15 sec pour the lemon juice bottle.
5. Arrange the lettuce on a platter and pour over the chopitos. Serve immediately.
Tips: If chopitos used instead of squid, cut into thin slices.
Chestnut parfait with walnut sauce
chestnut parfait Ingredients: 500 grs
cream too cold to ride (with 35% fat)
1 teaspoon vanilla essence ¼ teaspoon
vanilla powder 80 grams icing sugar 400 g
chestnut cream
walnut sauce Ingredients: 100 grs
walnuts 250 grams of milk
1 pinch ground cinnamon 80 grams
sugar Preparation:
chestnut parfait:
1. Place the butterfly in the blades, shake the container of cream, pour into the bowl, add vanilla and set vel 3-4. No schedule time and watch until it is mounted.
2. Once mounted, remove the throttle blades incorporate the powdered sugar and mix with a spatula.
3. Pour whipping cream into a bowl, add the chestnut cream and mix gently. Pour into a mold or airtight container suitable for freezing (line the pan with transparent film and then unmold easier). Enter in the freezer for 4 hours minimum. Salsa
4. With the clean glass Grind the nuts and dry 5 sec programming, vel 5. Remove the cup and reserve.
5. Without washing the glass, pour the milk, cinnamon and sugar and set 5 min, 90 °, vel 1.
6. Add nuts and set aside 10 min, 100 °, vel 2.7. Pour into a gravy boat and serve hot with the slushy frozen chestnuts.
Ingredients 10 cups:
250 grams of peeled melon
250 g peeled fresh pineapple
100 grams of vodka
100 g ice cubes 500 g
sparkling grenadine 100 g
20 sheets
mint 2 kiwis, peeled and cut into pieces
1. Cut a wide slice of melon and remove pequeñas.Resérvelas 20 balls. Pour into glass cuts remaining melon and cantaloupe chunks completecon to 200 grs.
2. Size 20 small cubes of pineapple and set aside. Losrecortes into the cup of pineapple and fill with pineapple chunks to 200 grs.
3. Add vodka and ice. Schedule 30 sec, vel 8.
4. Add lemonade and mix 10 seconds, vel 2.
5. Serve in cocktail glasses and add to each a little grenadine. Insert a skewer alternating mint with a ball of melon, kiwi and pineapple cubes.
SAFFRON SHRIMP Ingredients for 6 servings
70 grams
chopped shallots 1 sprig of parsley
50 g
olive oil 1 teaspoon cornstarch
25 grams of white wine
500 grams of prawns
2 packets
saffron ½ teaspoon salt 25 g
brandy Preparation:
1. Pour in the cup shallots and parsley and set 6 seconds, vel 4.With the spatula, fold the remaining vegetables and interiordel cover glass to the blades.
2. Add the oil and set 8 min, 90 °, speed spoon.
3. Teaspoon cornstarch dissolved in half the wine and set aside.
4. Place the butterfly in the blades and add the prawns, togetherwith the saffron and salt. Schedule 5 min, 90 °, vel 1. After 1 min, add the brandy jar and the remaining half of wine.
5. When you miss 1 minute to finish the scheduled time, add the jar of wine reserved cornstarch in step 3.
Tip: This dish is perfect to present in French or Japanese spoons with a prawn per teaspoon.
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