finally start with the Christmas dessert. And it is that I work is piling up. My love for the home and the things "made by me" has me a little busy. And this year I decided to do with my daughter the Christmas tree ornaments. Very nice, but very laborious. We are also "tuneando" Birth of Christmas cakes hence be delayed.
hojaldrinas Today I start with my love! And so typical in my province!. And that's what bad ... TAS here are good that the stakes are very high ... Although I think these have been quite a height.
The other day I brought oranges from Almeria, newly fucking the tree and no wax or anything, and smelled ... Then came hojaldrina smell, so I set to work.
the recipe I adapted from several blogs. Mainly the blog "View From palate, although I changed some numbers. Enter on page and follow the "Step by Step" which explains very well the theme of the folds.
For the dough:
- 600 grs.
- flour 320 grs. lard.
- 80 cc. white wine.
- 80 cc. orange juice.
- grated skin of three oranges.
- 50 grs.
- 80 grs. lard.
Let stand in refrigerator, tightly covered with film, for an hour.
After this time, out of the freezer and pull on the marble covered with a little flour to prevent sticking. Place on it the 80 grams of fat. Wrap the dough with butter. Easy a ride as if it were a pastry (it should be rectangular or square).
Let stand again in the fridge for half an hour. Take it out and stretch
to give a double fold. Finally stretch the dough formed by folds, leaving 1.5 cm. thick and ensuring that we are straight edges.
Cut into rectangles about 5 by 3 inches, discarding edges that are not rectangular.

Bake about 3 minutes at 220 º and the rest at 170 º until done. It takes about 30-40 minutes.
Sprinkle liberally with icing sugar.
- The hojaldrinas are named with flaky texture, and in sheets. This is achieved by the process mentioned folds. It is the first time that I and the first "batch" rose unevenly, ie one hand over another. This we ascribe to the butter does not equal the mass distributed. Next time instead of making butter ball and put him stretch out the dough before in a rectangle and spread butter over a portion to be matched well.
- One trick when stretching the dough and we were not small to the roll or the chicken is put cling film "lining" the chicken and knead on it. Also among the mass and the roll can put plastic wrap or better yet, baking paper that is easier to work. So avoid having to put flour around the clock to prevent sticking the dough. At the time of cutting (if we use cookie cutters) may also use the plastic wrap between the dough and cutting.
- And a finding as to the form. I have used cutters rather than cut into squares and hojaldrinas only comment that the "dwindling" in the oven, reduce its size. So we always do them a little larger size that you please obtain.

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