desserts you catch the eye, by the looks on the name, ingredients, lightness ... and this I felt like doing when I saw how different it was to others and because I've never made any Japanese sweet. Then you read comments from bloggers about how soft and how different it is and think that you also want to try. As
say the web is true, is very soft, natural touch of lemon and a very special texture and caramel custard or cake, or cheesecake usual: a "hybrid" between the two, you might say.
The recipe I found on the blog " the heat of a cake " which in turn saw it in the blog "One of two ." Is a translation / interpretation of the recipe that appears on "Diana's Desserts ." And why I put so many links? For all blogs are worth really worth visiting, all with great recipes. I recommend if you like Diana's Desserts American recipes, is a very good choice.
And I suppose you will want to see how this delicious cake is done (because it is very easy) here's the recipe.
INGREDIENTS (for a plum-cake pan large) :
- 450 grs. any cream cheese (in this case 250 grs. Mascarpone + 200 grs. of Philadelphia)
- 100 ml.
- whole milk 55 grs. butter + amount necessary to grease the pan
- 6 medium eggs 150 grs.
- of white sugar 60 grs.
- flour 20 gm.
- cornstarch 1 / 2 teaspoon cream of tartar (if you have not you can use a blank piece of paper soda Mercadona) Zest of 1-2
lemons Pinch of salt
Pour into a bowl of cheese, butter, milk and sugar. Bring to a simmer and stir gently until we have a smooth cream (it is very important not to stop moving because you can hit the bottom). Remove from heat.
* Separate yolks from whites. Add the yolks and cream cheese with lemon zest and sifted flour and cornstarch. Book.
Beat the egg whites until stiff with cream of tartar or Mercadona packet of soda and add little by little and outflanking the previous cream to prevent the clear down. Line a
large cake pan with foil and grease with butter. Pour the mixture (to me came to the edge).
Bake 60-90 minutes at a water bath (until the needle prick the cake comes out clean).
Once the oven off, leave cake inside with the door ajar.
Unmold and sprinkle with plenty of icing sugar.
If left standing overnight in the refrigerator will be much better.
not need support, but like all cheesecakes can be served with strawberry jam, caramel, a little whipped cream ...
* When you have to separate the whites from the yolks, and especially if they are enough, you can do one at a time, and once that you have the clear without any yolk in a cup to another bowl unto them which are all clear.
Why do I say this? Because a clear need just a bit of yolk will not mount and spoil the rest. Must also verify that all containers and items that touch the whites are completely dry, without a drop of water to produce the same effect, in fact to me this is not ultimately put me well, and that I had all these things in mind perhaps a drop of water or wet hands were to blame ...
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